Labels:crt screen | dialog box | hakham | monitor | plant | sky | windowpane OCR: Understanding the UL Fire Resistance Directories Furring Channels: Resilient channels, 3/8 in. deep by 2-3/8 11 wide at the base and 1-3 in. wide at the face, formed from 0.020 in thick galv steel, spaced 12 in. OC. Channels secured to each truss with 1-1/4 in long Type steel screws. Channels overlapped at splices Channels oriented opposite at wallboard butt joints (spaced 111 OC) as shown in the above illustration. Gypsum Board: Nom 5/8 in thick, 48 in wide, installed with long dimension perpendicular to resilient channels with 1-1/8 in long Type screws spaced 12 in and located min from side joints and in from the end joints. 4 end joints, two resilient channels are used, extending min In beyond both ends the joint. When insu lation, Item draped over the resilient channel/ gypsum wallboar ...